Being a Contrarian

Of late, I feel that I am the contrarian in most of the debates that I am put into. In most of the discussion there are a majority and there is minority and I now belong to the minority. There is nothing wrong in being the minority, but its gets tough when you are the only one in that minority group and you are up against everyone. Earlier, I used to argue to just get on others nerves and try to figure out how strong people feel about things that they abide by. Now-a-days I am not even a devil's advocate, but I still belong to the minority group. Many a times the debate has gone to the wire and I have got on people's nerves and I have also lost my control. Some people have conviction and are quite persuasive when they argue. I love rhetoric and I aspire to be more and more persuasive. Nothing feels wrong anymore. Every point I put out feels logically correct and perfectly accurate to the situation. Not just at home, even in office I am the only contrarian of the group. W...