Hello [no Hi]..

Off late I feel that Hi is not a proper way to greet people. Hello is much more majestic way to give salutation or greet people in English language. On the other hand Hi is more of a casual way of greeting people; and being casual is too mainstream. I know that there is nothing wrong in greeting people with Hi and nothing right about greeting people with Hello. Its just that I feel whenever you greet a person whom you care then greeting them majestically is always better than a casual way. Don't get me wrong here, I am not expecting an hello from everyone. It is just that I don't feel good if I wish Hi to a person whom I care. Greeting with a Hi is like when u know someone but also when you are in a hurry. While some might argue that Hi implies more personal greeting and Hello more formal way. Hello indicates the politeness in a person and Hi is just an easy, quick and careless way of greeting people. Just imagine your life being narrated by Morgan Freeman, then he g...