Chaos vs Pattern
Picture Courtesy: Pinterest There is always a never ending argument in my head about which is better a pattern or chaos. A monotonous pattern could not surprise you and cause a headache, but this means that there is no learning from it, this also means that you are never in the unknown thus experiencing life in one way till the end. On the other hand chaos means mostly being in the unknown; but this means that you have a headache to solve any issues that arise, this also means that you have the opportunity to learn a lot thus being ready to most of the life challenges that is being thrown at you. When ever I was put in a chaotic scenario in my professional life I would always be mentally fatigued and thus wanting to find a pattern to create a momentary satisfaction and when I do end up in a monotonous schedule in life, I do get bored very quickly and find a little it of chaos to get me excited about stuff. This would not be an argument if I had a substantial impact on this ...