Decision making made easy...
I have come up with a theory, which makes the decision making more easier. Below are the details of the theory. Prerequisites: The options to select should be three out of which the last one should be forget this question. Assumptions: 121 is the perfect number, coz it is the square of 11. Nearest value to 121, is a number which is greater than 97. Theory: When you are stuck in a situation where u have to chose one of the two options. Then the first thing, that you have to think is ' What is the result of 1+1? '. If the result is anywhere near 121, then choose option 2 or else choose option 1. If the result is exactly 121 then the option 3 [forget this question], which is a mandate. By this way one can easily decide on things. This theory has been tested, analyzed and reworked to obtain the perfect results. Hope this helps..... ;) This content is copyright of xZs - © My Excogitation 2009. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the con...