my RACIST relatives
--Spoiler alert: Foul language used-- Relatives, yeah these are the people who have been with me during my white and black times. I was not this black when I was born, for the matter of fact I was rather way too white. I used to play a lot of outdoor games in my childhood and always loved the sun. So got these sun-burns and back then i didn't wanted to wear get kinda facial creams or treatments. So I turned this black. According to me, I think facial care are for a female; well many of you would second that. I think a man should be as natural as possible. My parents, my sister and my cousins are with me for what I am now. They don't care whether I am black or white or big or small, coz they know that it is what I want to be and that's the reason I am. Its these elder who are a pain in the ass. In the name of advice every single time they meet they make fucking racist comments against me. Yes I am the only black person in the family and yes its my own wish that I became li...