Computer n Me

For all those who know me, you would be aware that computer has been the most important part of my current life. I have been into computer thingy so much that it feels as if I have been using it from a very long time. But the truth is that I started it late, very late. When I was in school, computer for me was just three boxes in the books; which consisted of input, processing unit and an output. I did not even know what different kinds of i/p and o/p were there, coz at that time I had no interest in them. Even during my computer classes I was just going to play the game space commander, but I hated them coz I sucked at it.

I actually had no much idea about computer till I got my very own. Still remember the day I got the cheque from my dad for buying the computer, I had lot of mixed emotions coz that was day my grandpa had expired; had no idea what emotion to show. The comp came after some days, playing demo games and listening to music was the things that I did at start, coz I didn't know anything at the start. This all happened around the year 2004-2005. Shortly after that I got to know the insides of the CPU, now I am good enough to do the initial analysis and fix most of the things; if something went wrong. But I was introduced to downloading even later. Installing the OS was another big leap. The first time I actually screwed my OS, I paid that computer shop guy 500 bucks just to reinstall it. He ripped me off my money for just doing such a simple task. I learnt downloading (movie, games and songs) when I actually started working; somewhere in the start of 2008. Now downloading is not just a hobby, but its just like eating or sleeping for me.

Every time I think about it, it just amazes me how much of an addict that I have become in just a few years. Today I guess the only way someone can actually torture me is by keeping computer away from me.


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