God n Ghost
God is a deity in theistic and deistic religions and other belief systems, representing either the sole deity in monotheism, or a principal deity in polytheism. It is most often conceived of as the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe.
Ghost has been defined as the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person, although in popular usage the term refers only to the apparition of such a person. Often described as insubstantial and partly transparent, ghosts are reported to haunt particular locations or people that they were associated with in life or at time of death.
Recently this concept of God n Ghost is all over my mind. There are some people who believe in both, some neither one and final category are those who believe in only one of them but deny the existence of the other.
The law of the nature is that for every positive thing there will be a negative one. This is 100% true, coz without the negative one the positive will never have such importance. For example consider a thing which has no competition in the market, Can we even think about judging it as good or bad? Nope, surely not as we don't have any other thing of that kind to compare it with. Now on these same lines 'if God exists then Ghosts musts also be creeping somewhere'.
God n Ghost are the two faces of a single coin. One cannot just take one face of it, coz both goes hand in hand.....
Ghost has been defined as the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person, although in popular usage the term refers only to the apparition of such a person. Often described as insubstantial and partly transparent, ghosts are reported to haunt particular locations or people that they were associated with in life or at time of death.
Recently this concept of God n Ghost is all over my mind. There are some people who believe in both, some neither one and final category are those who believe in only one of them but deny the existence of the other.
The law of the nature is that for every positive thing there will be a negative one. This is 100% true, coz without the negative one the positive will never have such importance. For example consider a thing which has no competition in the market, Can we even think about judging it as good or bad? Nope, surely not as we don't have any other thing of that kind to compare it with. Now on these same lines 'if God exists then Ghosts musts also be creeping somewhere'.
God n Ghost are the two faces of a single coin. One cannot just take one face of it, coz both goes hand in hand.....
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