Six Feet Under...
Principles for me is something that should be followed even at a dying situation. I had been in situations where in I could have broken my principles and could have survived, but even at those situations I followed them and failed in my tasks. I still feel proud of those situations. I started to work after my studies. Today my principles are six feet under the earth surface . I was discussing during my tests and also shared information , but never ever copied from a book. I also had a principle that during exams I really tested my knowledge and never ever took any kind of info or help from my friends, even at the worst case. After becoming a corporate I have broken this just to survive. The work that I do should be recognized by others without me saying a single word about it. This is one of my few buried principles. In my current state without me boasting about my work, no one would even consider it as a work done. Here doing work is not at all important, only bragging about it is imp...