Early Bird...

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."
-Benjamin Franklin

This is one of the most famous sayings, which till last month I did not understand and did not feel like following it. I always thought this early morning thing was a piece of shit.

Last month on the last Sunday, my cousins visited my place. It has not been long, only some 3 months, that I had last seen them. When I saw them on that day, I was speechless by seeing their size. That is when I realized that I had to stop increasing my body.

Now the above saying came to my mind. But it had flaws in it, coz if one wakes up early he will not become healthy, wealthy or wise. He needs to do something about it to stay healthy, wealthy and wise.

I am now not worried about me being wealthy. Being wise, I give my brain a lot of work to keep it in good shape. As far as healthy is concerned, I had not put any effort in maintaining it.

I was always a Night Crawler, but from last month I am trying to become an Early Bird. I have started jogging. Not to reduce my tummy, but rather to stop it from growing.

HOPE this will help me out in stopping a juggernaut, my tummy!!!!


  1. ALL THE BEST !!!!!!!

    lets see after 3 months, whether u r continuing or not ;)

  2. Thankz...

    I am all set to do it for a year or two...


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