Introducing XxxxX (Mr. Sunil's Guilt)

XxxxX is the inner me. Everyone can call him Sunil's Guilt, coz I am so guilty that he came into existence.

These days my brain power has grown I guess. My thinking has changed from past few months. I am becoming more and more capable of committing crimes and escape without even being noticed. The petty crimes that I committed, the people I used (my family, friends and even strangers) for just my own good, the life that I have messed, evil thoughts, etc., Lots of these things have become so huge that it has given the birth of XxxxX.

My wants have grown so much that it needs everything and is ready to use any possible thing to attain it. The only one who can stop me is XxxxX. I am introducing him so that even if I forget him, you all will be there to remind me of his existence.

As Albert Camus (French Novelist, Essayist and Playwright, 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1913-1960) said "A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession." He is the result of my work of art and he will be the one confessing. This is the only forum that I know to confess also get advices from him.

From now on it will not just be me posting things here, but XxxxX will also start off soon.


  1. I am really confused.. What the hell is happening in you??

  2. Yes something is wrong with Sunil. Well don't worry that's the reason I am here!!!!


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