The Art of a true Lie...

Lie to me is not just plain untruth words expressed as truth, it is more of a skillful art. There are a lot to types of lies, but I do consider only two of the following divisions. One is the planned and other is the sudden one (unplanned).

As many people say that the art of lying is in the details. Yes the details are the most important for lying. For the planned lies, the lie has to be realistic and in detailed. On the contrary for the sudden one, the details has to be minimum as one might forget the finest detail.

Memory is also as important as anything else. Since I am person with low on memory. I always have this one big concern wheneva I lie. But one can evade this disability by actually making a lie so real that even the truth would seem like a lie to everyone else and then live that lie.

The inhabitants of a lie should be as less living as possible. A lie should not include any being which basically can speak. You cannot trust others to maintain you lie, so it is to be on a safer side include things which actually cant speak and is not unique.

Practice makes a human perfect. This I have experienced it myself. I have lied so much that now-a-days it hard for even me to distinguish between my lies. I am not saying that I am the best, but yeah I lie quite a bit and now this unique art is a part of me. My truth is filled with lies and I am really proud of having this superpower of lying in front of anyone at any given circumstance.

Believe me, this is the true method that I am following. To master this perfect art of lying, make the method that you follow as unique as possible and live the lie.


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