Greed: Sickest of the seven...

Yes I am slave of the seven deadly sins, but Greed is the one I am most scared of.

Excess is the main thing in most of the seven. And greed is basically the sickest of them all. Greed is nothing but wanting to have more, but it is rather generalized as very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. I think "Greedy can even make the dead, needy".

I started studying back again, tried the MS thing. I was greedy and was envy; that was the only reason I started off. Even my Mom wanted me to have a double degree (Greed again). I knew that studying is not my cup of cake, knowing this I jumped into it; all because of the greed. Now I realized I couldn't do it and here I am with a huge monetary loss. I have myself witnessed more and more people being consumer by greed. A person that I know wanted to live free spirited but then changed into a workaholic just because of greed. Also I have seen a friend of mine just toying with many job offers that he had and that too because of greed. Sitting late night just to watch movies and destroying my health is because I am greedy of watching more and more movies. Coz at a later stage I wanna be proud of that number.

Now relating this Greed with other sins. Greed is generalized as the need to posses more money. But when you actually look at it as the need to posses more of any kinda thing. All the sins comes from only one source greed. Lust and Gluttony is directly a sin of excess. Envy is because of others possessing more than what you have; thus you are actually greedy. Pride comes when you have more than others; how to gain more than other without greed. Wrath and Sloth are the two which are related to greed from very far off. One way of getting angry is because you cant use ur ability and how do u know you are incapable? Is by comparing; now greed again. Sloth is way far off related. But on the whole Greed dominates these seven sins and is the worst one of all or I would like to call it the origin of all the sins.

Greed is like semi-demon. It is the reason for a person to live. A person who cant be greedy, cant live. Greed has a good face, a face so pure that it is like an angel to everyone's life. Later it grows into a evil demon which cant be controlled and will sometimes become a death wish. Most of us are the salves of this greed, but hate to accept it. No matter how far one runs away the world, only thing that goes with that person till the grave is GREED.


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