The Mystifying Smell...

On 08/01/09 21:45:33, I was in the bus going back home. As usual I had got the last but one window seat. Closed my eyes and was listening to a good song, but was not in any kind of sleep. All of a sudden I smell Masala Dosa, the smell was really awesome. I just took it in for some time and then opened my eyes.

All I had expected was a hotel or someone eating masala dosa. But I had a shock of a life time, I saw a garbage truck next to the bus. I was stunned and when I looked at the bus commuters I was blown out to hell. Everyone I saw had closed their nose for that foul smell from the truck. I was still smelling masala dosa. Once the truck was far off the smell was gone.

I kept thinking all the way, why did I get that smell?

Before that smell, I had not thought about masala dosa. I was not dreaming, not sleeping and not even mad. Now you people tell me whether the smell was from the nose or from the brain???


  1. Neither of the two was working for you. ;)

  2. LOL... I even thought that.... :)

  3. Well, i guess that it was from ur very own nose.. and i guess the person inside the garbage truck cud have been having the masala dosa. :-) ..

    And u smelt the good thing even in the bad environment!!! and thts just gr8...

  4. Ha ha ha... Yeah that possibility is also there!!!


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