Addiction, a question?

In this post, I want to talk about addiction, its cause, its effects and recovery period.

Addiction definition from wikipedia:
"The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical dependence, such as: drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, etc." In this, they have missed one of the major addiction porn addiction and also smoking. I think even love is an addiction.

When ever I think about addiction, the root cause of that addiction is the way they are brought up. There are also many things that makes up to the cause. But I think the major one is the limitations given by the parents. Telling the kids every time, 'This is bad', because of which the kids' curious mind will try it; at any cost (Except for some kids, who doesn't like to break the rules). Well, I am not blaming everything on parents, the individual himself is 95% of the cause.

About its effect, it is some thing one can not live without. Addicted people will not be able to think straight, solution will be lost and other side effects like not be able to work, sleep or eat well. Even they start to get away from family and friends.

Now the recovery period. A person who is recovering is worse than the addicted one. Once someone comes to know that he is addicted and he wants to change it, his life becomes vulnerable. Then the determination to get out of it. Well that person would need a lots of will power, One got to be master of his will. Then the transition period, tough as I know the pain of it. Then there will be two ways one which is a U-turn and other an unknown world.

The effect when anyone in this whole world, comes to know that you were recovered from an addiction, they say 'Shit, You are the worst one in the world, You were ADDICTED'. They don't realise the pain that he would have gone through, to recover. They make you an untouchable, destroy the image that is present and they make you an example when teaching' kids saying that 'This is how one should not be!'. Now your life is vulnerable back again.

My question is : Is this worth it?


  1. it depends on what u r addicted to !!!!

    if its smoking\alcohol\girls then its worth trying to avoid!!!!!

  2. Hmmmm... Getting out of it is tough!


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