Elevator Bug

KIDS, Please do not try this in the Lift!!!

This incident occurred on 7-Aug-2008 8:47:32 PM.

Me, Shanmuga and Pooja were all moving from our cubes to our houses. As usual we waited and the boarded the Lift. We went into a lift. Then the door closed and lift started to move down from 6th floor to the ground floor.

Shanmuga and Pooja were chatting with each other, I was looking at the lift door. When the lift just crossed the 1st floor, my hands (which at no time will be at rest, other than sleeping) tried to open the door. To my surprise the door of the moving lift opened , I even saw the wall! All of a sudden the lift moved to up to the first floor. All the three of us felt the gravitational pull, Shanumga was even scared to death. Both of them did not notice me doing this thing, they thought that the lift had some problem. When I said them that I did this they were shocked. They commented on me saying 'Why, cant u even be silent without doing anything for some time?'. I felt like I had become like Dennis the menace.

After this I think that I can still go back to my childhood, with all these menace, which has not been lost. I want to continue with my curiosity, but I will play with my life only, not others.

Now, what to you think, Is there a Bug in the lift or is it my curiosity???


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