Developer Vs Tester - Part II

This is a reply to one of the blogs that I follow. Check the post in this link . Here I would be sharing my experience on this topic. For all you testers out there, no hard feelings.. :) It so much true that almost everywhere developers consider testers as the troublemakers. Guess why? coz they really are. They think they know shit about our code. First of all no one like to hear faults in their own baby. And they think that the quality of our code is because of them. Well it might be true, but they should realize that they did no ass whooping work in actually writing it. The so called testers consider themselves as the Gods of all the application, they even think that the application is better known to them that the customer himself. All the technical difficulties that we actually went through while coding is not at all known to them, still calling themselves GOD! I have no words. Next complain from the self-proclaimed Gods are that the developers didn't do any kinda unit...